Friday 2 May 2014

My first post - Brown Rice and Chicken Salad

It’s been ages since I have been contemplating on writing a blog about what I enjoy doing the most and share my passion for cooking with others around! Any time of the day even when I’m dead tired, something scrumptious just makes my day.  I love collecting cookbooks and am one of those crazy people who reads cookbooks even at bed time!  So finally putting my procrastination abilities at rest here goes my first post!
I decided to start off with a light but filling summer salad which I had for dinner today!

Brown Rice and Chicken Salad

  • 2 cups cooked brown rice
  • 4 tbsp chopped roasted red bell with preserving liquid
  • 4 tbsp diced tomatoes
  • ¼ cup sliced onions
  • ¾ cup shredded left over roast chicken
  • 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 cup boiled carrots and broccoli (al-a-dente) diced
  • ¼ -½ tsp red chilli flakes (as hot as you like!)
  • ½ tsp Zatar Powder* (available in gourmet stores
  • Salt to taste

*Zatar Powder: Its a middle-eastern herb mixture of thyme, oregano, marjoram, toasted sesame seeds, salt and sumac. It’s used to flavor meats and vegetables and as dip for pita bread when mixed with olive oil. It’s easily available in gourmet stores. I use the mix under the brand name Naturesmith.


Step 1: Preparing the Roast Peppers
Well the easier option is buying them off the shelf in a gourmet store ! But I recently tried making them at home and believe me it tastes better.

Cut a bell pepper (red / yellow) into 4 pieces length wise. Now with a tong, let it char on a direct flame for a few minutes turning it once or twice. Transfer the charred pieces into a zip-lock bag to cool. This will make it sweat and loosen the skin. Remove the charred skin. Put the peeled peppers in a box (along with the liquid which it would have left in the zip-lock bag)and pour a bit of extra virgin olive oil . This can be preserved in the fridge for about a week.

Step 2: Caramelizing the Onions with red chilli flakes
Take a small pan, heat 2 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil and add the sliced onions. Once they are light brown add the red chilli flakes and stir for another 10-15 seconds. Remember to retain the flavoured oil in which the onions were browned, it acts as the salad dressing along with the liquid of the roasted peppers.

Step 3 – Toss it up
Put all ingredients in a bowl, mix together. Plate it and enjoy your meal.

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About Me

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I Juggle between being a finance professional by the day, a daughter, wife and new mommy in the balance of the hours. In between this whenever I get some time, I love spending it in my favourite place in the house - "My Kitchen". I love reading and collecting cooking books, watching food shows and trying out new recipes off stuff that I may have read or seen or got an inspiration from.