Sunday 11 May 2014

Potato and Apple Salad

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” – my mum tried her best to lure me with this one, but for some reason I never took to munching away apples. I have always been one of those kids who stayed away from any fruit which was high on nutritional value! I’m sure I gave my mother quite a time, and completely understand her pain now when I have become a mother myself.  In my mother’s recent effort to feed me apple (when I was pregnant, and was one of the must haves on the food list) she made a lovely, refreshing potato apple salad which I could have as a meal by itself any time. So today being mother’s day, I dedicate this post to my mum – love you lots Mumma !  
Hope you enjoy this salad just as much as I do.

1 large apple cut into cubes
2 cup baby potatoes peeled
1½ cup boiled carrots and French bean cut into small pieces (you could also add peas)
½ cup finely chopped gherkins

5 tbsp hung yoghurt
4 tbsp Mayonnaise
¼  tsp black pepper powder
½ tsp Tabasco Sauce (classic red)
1 tbsp dried chives
2 large cloves of garlic
Salt to taste


In a mixing bowl put all the ingredients of the dressing and mix well. Add the potato, apple, vegetables and gherkins and mix. Keep in the refrigerator for an hour for the salad to chill and dressing to be absorbed.

Another good variation of this is to replace the chives with ¼ cup finely chopped fresh dill leaves (Soa ka Saag).


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I Juggle between being a finance professional by the day, a daughter, wife and new mommy in the balance of the hours. In between this whenever I get some time, I love spending it in my favourite place in the house - "My Kitchen". I love reading and collecting cooking books, watching food shows and trying out new recipes off stuff that I may have read or seen or got an inspiration from.